Have you been toying with the idea of paying for social followers—or are you strongly in the camp which thinks that should never be tried? There’s no right or wrong answer, and that’s the exact conundrum Personal Branding Blog just tackled. They asked for my input, as well as the expertise of 13 others in the industry, and I tend to invest in only followers who will really engage. There’s no point in paying for followers at random, or to find them from a no name site. If you do this, you may hurt your brand since these followers aren’t upping your interactions.

Does it really matter if a site has thousands of followers when they have no interactions? I recommend going to Twitter to buy followers. It’s a costlier up-front investment, but the key word here is investment! These followers will engage.

Some of my colleagues prefer paying for content over paying for followers, but I’m of the opinion that both (or neither!) can work depending on the circumstances. Every situation is unique. Some of my colleagues think the risk is simply too high, and that may be the case when you’re just starting out.

Where do you fall on the spectrum? Find out more here:


14 Reasons Brands Should or Shouldn’t Pay for Social Followers-with John Rampton